



Selective Solder

Nordson Selective Soldering System


1. Boards continuously travel through the system, boosting throughput by 20-40% for most applications, with more gain possible if conveyance and soldering times are comparable.

2. Soldering work is automatically balanced between soldering pots to increase throughput further.

3. Due to the minimal pot and fluxer motion in the conveyor direction, the system footprint is reduced by 60% compared to traditional three-station soldering machines.

4. Process up to seven printed circuit boards simultaneously using different alloys and nozzles or one fixed nozzle for all your products.

5. Supports five solder pots, each with the ability to accommodate different nozzle sizes, eliminating the need to change nozzles.

Nordson Selective Soldering Systems

SELECT Integra? 508.3PD 2seg e-version

1.  Multi-stage in-line operation with concurrent fluxing, preheating and soldering for increased throughput with maximum preheat capability 

2.  2segment configuration can solder two non-panelized boards in-line, each board up to 350 x 508 mm 

3.  Parallel processing mode can solder boards up to 508 x 508mm with dual solder nozzles

4.  Double processing mode with small and large nozzles can solder boards up to 700 x 508 mm  

5.  Full titanium solder pots compatible with all solder alloys plus easy tool-free maintenance

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